We were so LUCKY to have the opportunity to stay at Faith Lodge in Danbury Wisconsin. http://www.faithslodge.org/ It is sponsored by the Ronald McDonald Foundation. In order to stay there you have to qualify in three ways: 1) lost a child under the age of 18 within the last 3 years 2) Have a terminally ill child under 18 3) lost a son or daughter while serving in active duty
Private parties can reserve the lodge as well. While you stay at the lodge you are able to connect with families that can relate to you and your family. They group the three categories together. So the week that we stayed allowed us to bond with 4 other families who have lost a child under 18 as well.
I would love to go back next year - you are only able to attend the lodge up to 3 years after the passing of your child. Your first visit is based on a donation to the lodge then the price goes up the following times. They offer group sessions and wonderful bonding activities. I truly enjoyed our time there and it was real comforting to be surrounded by such caring families!
Here are some of their children's webpages: