Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We have had over 10,000 hits yahoo!!

I can not believe our son's blog has had over 10,000 hits - I love it!!!

I sure hope people are able to learn about our son's condition and visually see all of his accomplishments over the past years.

We have tried a ton of different therapies over three years -
occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, medek therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, water therapy, music therapy, massage therapy, CranioSacral, and will soon be trying AIT therapy, and hippo therapy.

It is hard to believe that our little guy will be turning three next month. We will be having his transition meeting in a couple of weeks and I have called an advocacy agency in hopes of their support in helping me to fight for Brextin's needs as he heads to school in the Fall.

Thank you to all of those who read and follow our blog - we sure do appreciate it!

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