Friday, October 29, 2010

Brextin's blog has been published!

I just purchased this blog to be printed in a hard-covered book format. It has over 209 colored pages - and I will cherish it forever!!

The best thing that I did was document his life - it will be a forever cherished item!

I do wish I would have started earlier - however I am blessed to have at least one year documented covering most of his accomplishments along with some of his setbacks! He was a true fighter and a loving son!

Monday, October 11, 2010

So True!

"I thought I would have had to teach my son about the world. It turned out I had to teach the world about my son. They saw a boy who could not talk, walk, or stand. I saw a miracle who didn't need words.” -- Unknown

This statement is SO true!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brextin might have consumed my life . . . but he stole my heart!
We were a team and I miss him dearly!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

This garden stake will be perfect for Brextin's garden!

I specially ordered some personalized garden stakes off of ebay right after Brextin became an angel and I am still waiting for them - it is going on 4 months - and I am hoping they still will be arriving. The lady told me they were shipped but some how got returned back to her home and they were all broken - so she is redoing them for me. I sure hope that I am not working with a dishonest person.
In the mean while - I found this website They make a garden stake that will be similar to the one from the ebay lady- but isn't as high as quality. (the one from ebay will allow me to add a poem and is twice the size) This garden stake was under $25.00 and every time I look into his garden - I will see him staring back at me. Currently since Winter is approaching I have placed the garden stake into a rubber tree plant that is housed inside - we received the tree from my husbands friends in memory of our son.